
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Sleaze Bands part 3, Heart Throb Mob

I haven't added any sleaze lately, the next on a really long list is Heart throb mob. a relatively colourful band, with vibrant reds and at one stage, blues in amongst their hair. They lasted for a short five years before breaking up in 1997 and went through a total of five members. During their short time together they made two albums which go by the name of hit list and eat your heart out. Although their music career was short lived, i they have a really light hearted feel, something you can apply/dance to on any occasion! Throughout their music you'll hear good rhythm, nice guitar shredding and pleasant vocals.