
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Hellfreaks

Today i feel the need to share a very underground band, the Hellfreaks. They are a Hungarian rockabilly/psychobilly/punk band featuring female vocals. They really stand aside from other bands, in fact Ive never seen anything so beautifully non-mainstream. Their lead singer Shakey Sue, completely shatters the stereotype which is structured around female vocals. The band gives a perfect demonstration of how any rock/goth/psychobilly bands should feel and sound, with a quick paced beat and such humorous, quirky and morbid expressions. So far they only have the one album, "hell sweet hell" although I'm hoping they get a move on and keep writing! Like many aesthetic bands (not all) they have all identified with descriptive names, their lead singer goes by the title of Shakey sue, their double bass player known as bloody holly, Yoda surfer on guitar (a name directly from geek heaven!!!, i don't know about you but i think geeks are so cute) and W illy cruel blasting some rhythm on drums. Anyway, for your enjoyment here is their song "boogie man"

Friday 23 September 2011

Sleaze Bands Part 2, Frankenstein Drag Queens From Plannet 13

i really adore these guys! right now i have very limited time, so sadly i cannot give you anything about them, however just so you can meet them for yourselves, ill post a song! in quick summary, they are a sleaze band, they also fit into categories such as horror punk and metal. the song below is called the devil made me do it.

Sunday 11 September 2011

sleaze bands part 1, crashdiet

I'm very sorry for leaving such time between posts, but in mention of that i decided i would post a most worthy band of mention, and some of their music.
crashdiet are a Swedish sleaze rock that formed in 2000. their first full length album was released around 2005, (rest in sleaze) and is the only record featuring their original vocalist, who later committed suicide. After the trauma, and loss of their lead singer, they broke up temporarily, although at the time it was intended to be a permanent decision. Once they got back together, they wrote a new album with their new singer called "the unattractive revolution". their most recent album has yet another lead singer, and now none of the original members remain, id say which members i prefer, but I'm sure you'd like to decide that for yourself!
The video above is from their second album some time after their breakup, and is on their album called the unattractive revolution, the video below is from the album generation wild, and is called generation wild, with their most recent member line-up.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

The sleaze scene, in rock and metal

It is well know that metal is a heavier progression of rock, and one of the first progressions, which existed before many of the sub-divided musical genres and fashions we have today. But during the creation and discovery of many musical genres and bands, many people have completely missed the category known as sleaze. short for sleaze rock or sleaze metal, the main thing that separates a sleaze bands from a normal rock, punk or metal band is the way any particular band chooses to define themselves, by fashion.
some of the common characteristics include teased up hairstyles, generally "dark" fashion attire, although they can be quite colourful (see peppermint creeps), leather, military/leather/black shoes, metal (studs, chains etc), stripes! and generally tight clothing.
the other component of the sleaze aesthetic is their contrasting make-up. generally every member of the band has a reasonably pale face, with the exception of black eyes/lips etc;
Mostly, sleaze bands are underground, but you don't really have to look that far, KISS is approved as a sleaze rock bands by many sleaze fans, along with other bands such as the motley crue.
If you've never listened to sleaze, don't know where to start or your just looking for new music, here are some of my favourite sleaze bands:

Wednesday 13

black rain

peppermint creeps

Hopefully you get the idea of what sleaze bands look like! but don't forget like any fashion, these bands do bring their own components onto it, as it is a way to be unique. sometime in the near future i will try and get a post done with background information on some of these bands, and hopefully a post about the aesthetic in more detail.

Sunday 4 September 2011

The Cog is Dead, an ideal steampunk band

On recent Internet explorations, i happened to stumble upon something really beautiful. in fact so beautiful its the only thing Ive listened to since.
The cog is dead is a four piece band that's uses many instruments. whilst they don't sound industrial, theoretically, their experimentation with steam inspired "noise" could fit the description, with many clunking, smoky and tick like noises in amongst their rhythmic tunes.Amongst their four members, they do vocals, piano, guitars, bass, drums, kazoo, banjo and accordion (probably more)
the only negative of this project is that its well and truly over with one CD, and no sign of return. which is a shame really, personally i would have loved to listen to the many albums they have not written. anyway, even though they don't write anymore, I'm still enjoying what they did give us, you can listen for yourself below:

Saturday 3 September 2011

Scrap bunny key chains

Lately i have noticed allot of key chains around in the form of scrap material bunnies. many generous friends seem to think that id appreciate them as a gift, in fact i do, although its just weird how popular they seem to be! anyway, here are some that i own:

Oddly enough although they are supposed to be out of scrap material,they are made in mass production, one brand I'm well aware of is called fuglies, id share a link but simply cannot find one. If anything, your better off making your own if you want it to be unique, if you just think they're cute buy one, as its much less effort.

Friday 2 September 2011

Recent drawings

recently i was scribbling some quick ideas, they re not great but I'm sure you can make out what i drew. the first one is of a spider veil! i thought that it would be quite a nice thing to own. and I'm sure that spider veils would be available somewhere out there. the second one is an eye, i don't know what it is but eyes are such wonderful things to draw!