
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Sunday 31 July 2011

Musical crash course part 1

okay, so Ive been busy again, and haven't been able to do much, anyway here is a small unedited section of my musical crash course writing, if you notice Ive written any contradictions, just ignore them. i often contradict myself when writing, then later i have to reread them and fix it all up, these arnt the most interesting genres but i think you ll get the point of what i mean by crash course:

Female vocalists, generally it could apply to any girl singer but when things are tagged with female vocalist its rock or heavier since its establishing its not trad. Male vocals, since otherwise girls often sing.
Indie: now this term isn’t even a genre really, I’m telling you because it comes up a lot, people think indie is just like hippies playing acoustics….. There’s a lot more to it than that indie is short for independent, meaning the artist who is indie plans their own gigs, is not signed to any record label no company is their “producer” or anything like that, any artist could be indie if they want, the stereotype of hippies on guitars is actually FOLK INDIE, a different story. In short it means any band that is indie is guaranteed to be poor. The Maine, skipping girl vinegar
Acoustic: some bands are purely acoustic and others just play a sad little song on their album that’s acoustic. If common sense didn’t already inform you what acoustic is, it’s just an acoustic guitar with vocals, maybe piano or soft drumming and whatever. November blessing
Alternative, this applies to about any band who is so original that no one knows what label them. Although you’ll notice a lot of bands are alternative rock of alt/punk and stuff, this means they are rock and unique or whatever. But it depends on the band.
Rock, Rock was basically the first genre where kids (in that time) were allowed to rebel, instead of all the silly junk like classical and folk/barn yard dances. rock allowed people to be themselves, usually has guitars bass drum kit and vocals, no screaming. And I forgot to mention, rock has an extremely steady beat, a real beat, not the techno doof! Doof! Doof!, and traditionally male vocals. Such as AC DC or blink 182