
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Masks, part 2

One thing i forgot to mention in the last post about masks is gas masks. Originally there were to filter out dangerous gasses in the air, mainly in military jobs, however they have become part of the cyber/industrial and steam punk aesthetic. anyway, there isn't much to say about gas masks as they are pretty straight forward.

Also, i brought a masquerade jewellery holder! for $39.99 Aust. well worth it. here is a picture below!
i know the next one doesn't show much, but it shows the centerpiece well!

Overall, it is quite beautiful! the masquerade mask may eventually become the face of this blog!