
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Poser Bands or Poser Fans?

Many of you who are deeply enriched in musical/fashion cultures would notice the growing concept of "poser bands" But should they really be classified as "posers?" I think not! As a couple blogs i read have already suggested, many musicians and artists are stereotyped wrong, leading to the idea that they are "try hard" and more commonly "posers". I don't think its so much the band, clearly even if it isn't your taste, they wouldn't make it this far if they were indeed "posers" i think the label lies with the reputation of the fans. As many of you may have seen somewhere online, forums/discussions even a whole web page itself, the clicks amongst members ranging from elites, to die hard fan (or intelligent of the concerning matter) and then posers amongst the flock. Generally posers all like the same bands with these sub-cultures so maybe you should consider the fact posers have given bands a reputation, of which they are simply not worthy of. As a blog that i follow brought to light, Evanescence and Marylin Mason are quite talented, yet amongst their "crowd" they have been regarded as posers. while there is always going to be that odd band you simply don't like, unless they are faulty of copyright or something severe i genuinely think you should accept them, maybe even hear them out, as you might just like them!
the problem i see arising with this is as follows: while some people are quite accepting of all music others are becoming less and less accepting of people and their music taste altogether. what i mean by this is that the gap between clicks/crowds/stereotypes (while i don't like to stereotype) is becoming larger, and while a poser is basically seen as a try-hard i see them as an inexperienced and mainstream version of a non-mainstream product, i say this simply because many posers listen to bands (seen as posers) who are upon the more mainstream side of their culture, eg poser punks tend to like green day (who aren't actually that bad, although i don't follow them) and as mentioned poser goths like evanescence. i guess that as these people are phasing out of a mainstream world (most of the time) the haven't yet found a way to get hold of all the non-mainstream things which these cultures find so interesting.