
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Thursday 6 October 2011

The Clockwork Dolls

The clockwork dolls, are a steam punk/musical/female vocalist trio that began in 2007. They share a combination of skills, including acting, writing and being able to fuse ages to create their imaginative music. Their music is often a storytelling fantasy consisting of airships and marvelous steam contraptions which are given audio interpretations throughout their songs.
their official logo is of a bronzed rose compass from the steam age.
The Clockwork Dolls Logo.jpg
So far they have two albums, one self titled and the other called Dramatis personae. Hopefully they will plan another album sometime for the near future.