
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Monday 17 October 2011

The Jackalope

The Jackalope is believed to be a fictitious creature, (of course that is up to you to decide however) and the first species I'm am going to write about in regards to Halloween. Mostly, i am writing about this interesting creature, due to the band we know as "jakalope".
According to North American legend for the most part, a jackalope is a jackrabbit crossed with antelope, and commonly referred to as the horned rabbit. supposedly, they can mimic any sound, including human voices. (i suppose this would be like a very talented lyre bird) Many cowboys believe that they are lured by wiskey and easier to hunt once they have drunk this, or on full moon, when they mistake the moon for the sun, making them behave rather peculiar (people have accounts of them walking backwards rather than forwards.) They are supposed to be very aggressive and so fast the human eye cannot trace them. the milk of a female jackalope has very medicinal properties in their milk, which can only be retrieved when she is on her back. (due to aggression) It is believed that this milk can cure everything, from baldness to disease.
Not that i believe this is right, considering they are so close to extinction (if they exist of course) however, in the town famous for jackalope, Wyoming, you can get a license to hunt jackalope, although of course there is really no point as it is only eligible on June the 31st. any other day it is illegal.
There is a huge debate to weather or not they exist, with many ideas being used to explain why they are very rarely seen. Some even say that Jackalopes only breed in electrical thunderstorms, meaning that they are very close to extinct and that is why there a very few sighting reported. Others say they are fairly nocturnal, and that no-one ever sights them due to their speed. It is also believes that this creature was mistaken for rabbits which had a disease, resulting in horn like tumors. who knows? maybe this was the case!
Anyway, they are rather a peculiar animal, which no really knows weather or not they exist. If you really want to go and hunt one, you only have one day of the year to do so!

here is a winged jackalope. Sadly however, if you look closely at this pic,
 you will notice it has been edited/photo shopped.