
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Friday 18 November 2011

the Cyber Wardrobe

Looks always add to the essence of culture, some more so than others. Perhaps the growing Cyber trend is one of the most visually appealing lifestyles out there, but where do you get even some basics from?
Personally, i think hair and shoes is a good place to start. This way, you can match it up with things you already have such as jeans, dresses, stockings, singlets/corsets etc;

Cyber hair is always big, Ive seen very few cases (or none actually) where the individual has not done something extreme to their hair. dreadlocks (dread falls also) are quite acceptable but are becoming very cliche. However they are an excellent place to start. If your looking for something different, teased pig tails and death hawks are quite suitable, if your game to shave parts of your head! although you can get around this though with braiding/corn rows etc; Teasing out pig tails is much more preferable though. (or so i think) Allot of you may have heard of "Dread falls" these are usually hair extensions (or synthetic material) teased up into multi coloured dreadlocks and tied into place upon ones head. you can make these yourself or buy them (search YouTube for "how-too's")
Shoes are often big and chunky, depending upon the person they may choose to wear military boots, fluorescent fur leg warmers (see below) sleek platforms... whatever suites the cause!
An excellent place to shop online is at http://www.vinyldolls.net/ everything from that site is hand made (including the warmers above) and sell dresses, tops, shoes, accessories, "dread falls" and some custom made designs available.

If vinyl dolls is to colourful for your liking http://www.immoralfashion.com.au/ is much darker!!!! they sell allot of the metropolis range (a good brand) nice boots, military influenced clothing, steampunk gear and pretty much anything relatively alternative!

Anyway, theres a few essentials that would also be good to have hiding in the wardrobe somewhere. Fishnets are always good to have for nearly any goth styled fashion, a set of gloves wouldn't be to bad either, if you have some belts, keep them!! Other than that, play around with your makeup, start to collect your goggles, wings, corsets (unless you already have some) and perhaps a few dresses!!!