
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Monday 14 November 2011


luckily, my friend is going to tell you about indie stuff, so here goes:

"Independent music is not just a genre, for many people it is a lifestyle. You may walk into a second-hand clothing store and realise that this is just not your scene, but for a small minority of people it is. They have houses with floral wallpaper, various kinds of stockings, a large variety of herbal tea, and an old record player. Not really. Some people like those things. Personally, I really do, but I'm not sure I would dedicate my entire home to something like that.

There are many bands fitted into the indie genre, but I don't like putting bands into genres and groups. Its like putting your friends into groups of best, close & good. So I just listen to a whole heap of bands, many that people have not even heard of, as my friends call me a hipster.
I really enjoy listening to bands such as Washington, The Wombats, Art Vs. Science, Foster The People, The Jezabels, Boy And Bear, Gypsy & The Cat, Jinja Safari, Josh Pyke, Vampire Weekend, Regina Spektor, Florence & The Machine, Marina & The Diamonds, LIGHTS, Dan Sultan, Cloud Control, Sparkadia, The Waifs, John Butler Trio, Bluejuice, Philadelphia Grand Jury, Missy Higgins, etc;"

well, you got that part from her! unfortunately she didn't have time to get into the visual aspect of it but i think i can give you an acceptable description from my (alternative) point of view:

Indie culture is often quit distinct for its combination of hippie and "old school dress code" fashions. Rather than the tight jeans and vibrant colours, it is quite common to see an "indie kid" (particularly girls) in loose clothes with vintage floral patterns, old knit cardigans, naturally coloured jeans, anti-short skirts, sandals or boots (no skate shoes.... EVER!!!!! converses are quite acceptable though)
Over all, they are quite happy folk, and while I would never consider immersing myself in the culture, I certainly wouldn't dis anyone who does, like anything (culture/music/fashion) it requires a certain amount of creativity to be a "good" indie, especially without becoming cliche!
Another thing that comes to my attention (and quite random to) is the indie bop, as their music is often quite folk orientated (well, right now most independent music is) its become a growing trend to awkwardly bop (almost like a squat motion where your feet are together) in tune with the music!

Overall i hope this gives you a good insight to indie culture/music/fashion, perhaps (if i can convince her) she submit another article regarding her fabulous world of Indie!

(Posted by .itsdannibitch @ weheartit.com respectively)