
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Hand Held Fans

As we all know, there are three basic purposes of a hand held fan: Practically to refresh oneself with a productive air flow, as a source of communication, and more importantly today, as a fashion accessory.
Where did the fan originally come from?
the earliest known fans come from china, in 2yrs BC. Back then all fans were made of fabric mounted on bamboo. They were also used in similar countries such as Japan and Korea. originally they did not fold into a simple to hold strip, however that idea did follow shortly after.

Fans were often made from bamboo, with thick paper, lace, Silk (you get my point i think)

What occasions are hand held fans appropriate?
Back in Korea fans were used in the Bucheachum dance. ( i doubt your going to one of those soon) However, if your looking for a good occasion to use a fan, i recommend you bring a fan to a outdoors formal/semi formal occasion. Theyre the kind of think that fit in nicely to a scenery wth tea, cake, sunshine, roses and pretty gardens.

Hand held fan ettiquette:
You would all recognize a few fan gestures, but have you ever thought about what they mean? I decided to write down a list of the basics for you:
Resting fan on lips: "I don't trust you"
Quickly fanning self: "I love you so much!"
Carrying fan from left hand behind back: "Im engaged"
Carrying fan from right hand behind back: "I want to be engaged"
Hiding the sunlight (face) "Your ugly"

Where can you get a hand held fan? okay, so ive looked around and here are my fave online shops to get them from! If you dont want to go online, try your local antiques, they are bound to have some very nice ones!

JapaneseStyle: quite cheap and very nice designs, much variation of colour to, which is always conveniant.

China town online, the fans they stock are quite sweet and oriental looking, some also came with brightly coloured tassles.

sorry about the really long adress! sunrise imports is probably my favourite online shop! and i would say it has the most variety!

here are some of my favourites

(above) supplied from "china Town"

(above) supplied from sunrise imports
(below) sandalwood fan from Japanese style

http://www.ideco.com/fans2/language.htm (resource for fan ettiquette)