
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Salad fingers

Just a quick word on the show:
I'd say a good 70% of people have seen at least one episode of salad fingers (which can be found on YouTube). The thing the majority of people seem to have a disliking/concern for Salad Fingers. Why? I still ask myself this question as I feel there's nothing to hold against the series. While I must admit some of the things brought up in the series are a little creepy, its all in the name of entertainment! So what if its so different from other shows? I like to scout for unique things, and for me finding Salad Fingers was like gold!
Anyway if you've never seen the series ill post an episode down below. Its basically a flash cartoon about a guy named Salad fingers who lives remotely in the middle of nowhere, talks to himself, has many fantasies and takes interest in random things, "I like rusty spoons".  Its enjoyable if you can appreciate it for what it is. Although i warn you, its certainly not for the feint hearted.
Along with all the dislikes and complaints, come with many rumours, some probably are true and other not so true.
1. the guy who makes the animations is on trips and is simply showing what its like to hallucinate. (There may be a Fraction of truth in that, although its up to you to decide.)
2. Salad fingers is a survivor from the war and is now schizophrenic.
3.Salad Fingers is "Post Apocalyptic" (phrase from wikipedia)
The three rumors/ideas i posted above are probably the most common although there are quite a few more, you can choose what you'd like to believe however for me its more about salad fingers rather that all the facts that surround it. Watch it the be done with it!
So i really enjoyed writing this, and i hope you enjoyed reading this. i'll possibly write a part 2 with a more interesting history of the artist and series.