
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Monday 29 August 2011

Band Exposure: Midnight syndicate

For just over a decade, Midnight Syndicate have creating orchestral/dark wave/ambient/neoclassical music, with 13 individual albums so far. Over the years, they have become extremely famous throughout Halloween, their music depicting a perfect image for Halloween. There music is not only famous with Halloween but with world famous horror theme parks. I mainly enjoy the mesmerising rhythms that they play, building up tension and the letting if fade away. If anything they should be playing film tracks, not to say they havn't!

They came from Ohio, California, and over the 13 years or so they've been playing, only 2 original members remain. During this time, they have work and performed with many bands, they have toured with groups such as the motley crue and king diamond! their new album is supposedly out very soon! (early august, i heard) anyway,check their song out below ENJOY!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Masks, part 2

One thing i forgot to mention in the last post about masks is gas masks. Originally there were to filter out dangerous gasses in the air, mainly in military jobs, however they have become part of the cyber/industrial and steam punk aesthetic. anyway, there isn't much to say about gas masks as they are pretty straight forward.

Also, i brought a masquerade jewellery holder! for $39.99 Aust. well worth it. here is a picture below!
i know the next one doesn't show much, but it shows the centerpiece well!

Overall, it is quite beautiful! the masquerade mask may eventually become the face of this blog!

Monday 22 August 2011

The Cuckoo Clock

I suppose this is a tad random, but i would very much like to share the wonders of my cuckoo clock. Frankly i have no clue where i got if from, however it really is a wondrous thing! There's something about cuckoo clocks which just draw in my fascination, its not exactly eerie, maybe its just profound. Although they do hold a sense of familiarity. (Picture if my cuckoo below!)
The cuckoo clock has become a timepiece becoming popular in the 18th century, its characteristics are often carved leaves and animals, with a chirping bird that rolls from closed doors on each hour. The first ever made cuckoo clocks, like many other newly developed technologies, were really bulky and large. While it is unknown who exactly made the first cuckoo clock, it is known that they were actually found in the black forest (Germany), in the early 1600's. Despite the faint knowledge of its origins, here is a more common idea which suggest the cuckoos origins, as following:
During the 1600's a merchant left the black forest in order to sell goods (rumor has it glass) when he returned, he brought back the cuckoo clock, although no-one knew from where. however, in spite of all the mystery, someone within the black forest was inspired, and began to design their own cuckoos. Eventually people found them more reliable, and they became very popular within parts of Germany, replacing hourglasses. This also started the earlier traditions of clock making. As the cuckoos clock gained popularity, people started to compete against each other, to make nicer and more detailed clocks. by the early 1800's there were 688 clock makers and 582 clock peddlers.

(here is my cuckoo clock)

Sunday 21 August 2011

Poser Bands or Poser Fans 2

Another thought came over me, on the topic of poser bands: many bands seem to get placed in the wrong clicks or subcultures. Its a bit savage to bring Avril lavigne up now,  but she's an excellent example, somewhat all the mainstream calls her a punk yet anyone loyal to the culture knows only to well that she is about anything but punk. She was definitely a tomboy once but where punk came from is a bit of a mystery, at least to me anyway. the point I'm getting across here is that people who have high expectations get falsely labeled, and persecuted for those who see the falsity of the label placed upon them.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Steampunk, in brief

(the above image from google images)

For a really unique and creative sub-culture, I'm surprised I'm not that interested in steam punk fashions, while I like some things of it, others I'm just not that fussed on. (however i wont deny it is quite fascinating)

Some of you may have an excellent understanding of what a steam punk is, while some of you may have never even heard the term. So here goes for a brief explanation:
The subculture is a reflection of the past (mainly the industrial and steam age) and debatably combining the past with the future.
Here's some of the main aspects: a lot of bronzed accessories, usually matched with black/sometimes white, like many other cultures you can break the associated "rules"
However, what exactly  steam punks wear is completely up to them, generally its a good idea to look at the available occupations of the era: for example, then we had:
  • Pirates, they would probably wear brown leather boots, tight pants, loose white/tea stained shirt, along with thick belts, and chains holding enlarged mechanisms and pendants, telescopes, compasses
  • Early plane flight attendant, probably boots and jeans as well, chances of military style clothing would be much higher! Double breasted jackets, helmets, goggles, studded belts etc;
  • Victorian lady, much more elegant: corsets heavy, long skirts/dresses these are the ones more inclined to wear necklaces with gears and such hanging off them! Shoes can probably be more detailed: large bronze buckles, thick bronze zippers, necklaces, lace, opera glasses etc;
  • Explorer, buckled shoes, and trousers, with lovely vests/coats etc, you could wear a bronzed self made bow tie, or gloves, specs, walking sticks, telescopes pocket watches
  • Motorist, Trousers, lace up boots, vests coats, if you were to use this occupation as an influence, i think you could do allot in terms of all your brass bits and pieces: i can visualize motor pieces having a big impact upon the look! If you try i believe that cylinders would look rather wonderful! Aside that, top hats, single lens!
  • Hunter, jeans, trousers, blouses, vests, corsets, Russian military hats, weaponry (guns, maybe even arrows/spears

weather you would like to use steam punk fashions for every day or as a dress up, you'll find many places to shop for all this, and maybe evn make your own! I recomend you visit http://www.steampunkemporium.com/ Thats all for now sadly! ive had a long tireing day, hopefully i didnt contradict myself (as i often do when im tired, and the fact my computer is freezing therefor not highlighting spelling errors) and you found the article interesting and useful. look out for more in the future!

Monday 15 August 2011

Cyber, Punk, Goth, Steampunk and More shopping!!!

Okay, so i stumbled upon a really amazing online shopping store! the store is called Slash 'n' burn, however the URL is quite irrelevant to that, ( http://www.findcoolclothes.com/ ) however the things i found there are absolutely fascinating! there you will find pieces that allow you to dress for the pleasure of horror, or for sophistication, and you'll find some everyday "goth" kind of wear!
here are some of my favourite pieces:

Although Ive posted allot of black items, you'll fin they also range quite a lovely colour spectrum, and they stock clothing for both genders and all ages, including makeup/accessories, as well as being affordable.   I hope you enjoy shopping there!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Poser Bands or Poser Fans?

Many of you who are deeply enriched in musical/fashion cultures would notice the growing concept of "poser bands" But should they really be classified as "posers?" I think not! As a couple blogs i read have already suggested, many musicians and artists are stereotyped wrong, leading to the idea that they are "try hard" and more commonly "posers". I don't think its so much the band, clearly even if it isn't your taste, they wouldn't make it this far if they were indeed "posers" i think the label lies with the reputation of the fans. As many of you may have seen somewhere online, forums/discussions even a whole web page itself, the clicks amongst members ranging from elites, to die hard fan (or intelligent of the concerning matter) and then posers amongst the flock. Generally posers all like the same bands with these sub-cultures so maybe you should consider the fact posers have given bands a reputation, of which they are simply not worthy of. As a blog that i follow brought to light, Evanescence and Marylin Mason are quite talented, yet amongst their "crowd" they have been regarded as posers. while there is always going to be that odd band you simply don't like, unless they are faulty of copyright or something severe i genuinely think you should accept them, maybe even hear them out, as you might just like them!
the problem i see arising with this is as follows: while some people are quite accepting of all music others are becoming less and less accepting of people and their music taste altogether. what i mean by this is that the gap between clicks/crowds/stereotypes (while i don't like to stereotype) is becoming larger, and while a poser is basically seen as a try-hard i see them as an inexperienced and mainstream version of a non-mainstream product, i say this simply because many posers listen to bands (seen as posers) who are upon the more mainstream side of their culture, eg poser punks tend to like green day (who aren't actually that bad, although i don't follow them) and as mentioned poser goths like evanescence. i guess that as these people are phasing out of a mainstream world (most of the time) the haven't yet found a way to get hold of all the non-mainstream things which these cultures find so interesting.


After a long time without being able to post, Ive decided to write you an article on masks. It might sound "boring" but in fact i find the whole concept quite interesting, they are well renowned for symbolizing drama, originating from Greece and also became quite a popular "celeb rational" tool, known as a Masquerade.
The word "mask" comes from the french word "masque" the Latin meaning being that of a ghost. Masks are usually used in theatrical performances and rituals due to their powerful expressive techniques.
In many ancient cultures, found in Africa, north and Latin America Masks were used in rituals. These masks were to represent gods, ancestors and other important spirits. Some were even animals as some tribes believed that animal masks helped communicate with Gods. as you can see Masks were deeply based around mythology. Masks gradually became essential over time for theatre, as Many are probably aware, Masks still represent "drama" today. Particularly in Greece,
Over time masks became a fashion, leading to masquerade balls, you can find a perfect example in a scene of phantom of the opera.

Also before i forget, speaking of masks, currently in some larger newsagents and chain antique stores you can buy very nice masquerade jewelry holders, I'm posting a picture below, the some model to the one i plan to but, but a different model, ENJOY!!