
Hello there!
youve happened to stumble upon this blog, which is all about alternative things... ill go through periods of writing about certain genres, or other topics of interest. be careful! i tend to write in sarcasm, ocasionally ill write the common stereotype or conception of something, purely for my own entertainment. but mostly you'll find acurate information. Regularly i check by visiting other places and comparing information!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Unreleased songs

many bands have unreleased songs, (or not yet finished) and it often happens that they are actually pretty good songs. so ive decided that i will post a few songs every now and then! Today, im posting Kerli Koiv's army of angels and Black Veil Brides "this prayer for you"

Monday 28 November 2011

Trash and Treasure

well, just to establish the obvious, the economy is acceptable unstable right now, and although this can be very tough financially, it also means the aftermath is quite satisfactory. The other day i was at a fete, where i stumbled upon a good pair of shoes for 50c in the Australian dollar! i was quite proud considering that they were pretty much brand new, and have scarcely been worn. If you keep your eyes peeled I'm sure you to can also find some really good buys. The best places to go include fetes, fairs, markets, shop sales and second hand shops. i know that in all of these places you can find allot of crap, and when i say allot of crap i mean allot! but if you dig far beneath the surface you can also find the rarest of treasure! Before my most recent finding of good quality shoes, Ive recently purchased a black sleeveless/collared vest, a nice gothabilly dress and Ive even found nice jewelry before! (that was kind of lucky though). Anyway, because the economy is heading into turmoil, you should keep your eyes open for good buys, but don't go silly of course!

The shoe i described earlier on this post.

Saturday 26 November 2011


well, the other day i became insanely bored, and so i thought id do my hair up. The result was better than i expected, looking somewhat like an unteased/spiked death hawk, (fuck i love death hawks!) the only thing is I'm out of hair gel right now... so no death hawk or me. anyway, rather than shaving the sides off, since its permanent, i decided just to do corn rows, in other words really narrow braiding.
here is a crap photo of my hair below (without my face, i hope you don't mind)

Thursday 24 November 2011

Art- shattered skies

my most recent drawing was on my  right fore-arm, it was only roughas i was supposed to be learning but still, im quite happy with it since i did it left-handed! i call it the shattered sky, since ive always visualized an apocalypse where the sky cracks open and just bleeds/leeks with splinters flying everywhere. i lso think its a cute picture, the daisy balances it out a tad.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Sleaze bands, Glamour punks

Long time no see! since i haven't written anything about hair metal lately Ive decided to clean my act up a tad. Anyway, today I'm going to share glamor punks, and 80's punk band. Sadly there is very little information about them anywhere, due to their underground status. but nether the less, they are still worthy of mention!
they have one outstanding album and a small but very loyal fan base.  and if it makes you more interested,  i recall Andy Biersack once saying if he had a choice of any band other than black veil brides he would want to play for these guys! Anyway, here's a quick look at them below:

*also, if this happens to be the wrong song/video/audio i am truly sorry, blogger is undergoing change and I'm not liking it very well.

Sunday 20 November 2011

The Industrial Movement

The industrial movement started in the 70's but really started to grow in the 90's along with many other emerging genres of music. Initially, the sound was achieved with the transgressive experimentation of industrial machinery and noises, such as scrapping, scratching, loud clanging and heavy distortion. When the movement was fresh and new, the lyrics were often to argue a point or share an explicit opinion about social change.Over time electronic and synthetic material have become more acceptable.The term "industrial" was used by a record label (industrial records) Many bands such as throbbing gristle and Industrial pioneers soon adopted "industrial" as part of their sound. Like i mentioned earlier, the movement really got going in to 90's, with bands that KDFDM and Front line assembly. 
From industrial several sub-categories have since evolved, many industrial bands also have elements of EBM (electronic body music), Darkwave, Rock and Metal. While EMB is usually very popular amongst underground listeners many people don't particularly like combining industrial noise with electronics as this detracts from the harsh noise intended. (its also often seen as pussy, weak or fake.)
If your looking for some good industrial bands, i can recommend the following (from a broad range of the genre) (and i also casually mentioned a few earlier if your willing to go back and find them!)
-nine inch nails

-type O negative
-miss construction

Friday 18 November 2011

the Cyber Wardrobe

Looks always add to the essence of culture, some more so than others. Perhaps the growing Cyber trend is one of the most visually appealing lifestyles out there, but where do you get even some basics from?
Personally, i think hair and shoes is a good place to start. This way, you can match it up with things you already have such as jeans, dresses, stockings, singlets/corsets etc;

Cyber hair is always big, Ive seen very few cases (or none actually) where the individual has not done something extreme to their hair. dreadlocks (dread falls also) are quite acceptable but are becoming very cliche. However they are an excellent place to start. If your looking for something different, teased pig tails and death hawks are quite suitable, if your game to shave parts of your head! although you can get around this though with braiding/corn rows etc; Teasing out pig tails is much more preferable though. (or so i think) Allot of you may have heard of "Dread falls" these are usually hair extensions (or synthetic material) teased up into multi coloured dreadlocks and tied into place upon ones head. you can make these yourself or buy them (search YouTube for "how-too's")
Shoes are often big and chunky, depending upon the person they may choose to wear military boots, fluorescent fur leg warmers (see below) sleek platforms... whatever suites the cause!
An excellent place to shop online is at http://www.vinyldolls.net/ everything from that site is hand made (including the warmers above) and sell dresses, tops, shoes, accessories, "dread falls" and some custom made designs available.

If vinyl dolls is to colourful for your liking http://www.immoralfashion.com.au/ is much darker!!!! they sell allot of the metropolis range (a good brand) nice boots, military influenced clothing, steampunk gear and pretty much anything relatively alternative!

Anyway, theres a few essentials that would also be good to have hiding in the wardrobe somewhere. Fishnets are always good to have for nearly any goth styled fashion, a set of gloves wouldn't be to bad either, if you have some belts, keep them!! Other than that, play around with your makeup, start to collect your goggles, wings, corsets (unless you already have some) and perhaps a few dresses!!!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Culture Clash, Merging Goth and Indie Fashions

After finishing off my friends article about Indie culture, I suddenly started to wonder whan the outcome would be of combining Indie with a culture thats a little darker/rebellious. The first culture i considered was goth, mostly the vintage side of things. Although they are very different cultures, with different interests and different music, quite a few clothing pieces/acessories can be found in both wardrobes, only presented differently. If i were to merge the two i would go about it by starting with vintage clothing. You often see vintage (even second hand) elements in both wardrobes, particularly dresses.

Today im going to use mostly black as my colour theme to demonstrate, although i think you could very well put a steampunk edge to indie, using tarnished jewellry and soft browns combined with rich/deep colours.  while the purpose of this article is to darken a " fashion friendly" (it is actually becoming quite mainstream right now) culture, we still need to keep elements which play huge factors in the culture such as colour (otherwise we are just ruining it altogether.) in order to darken the tones without damaging the look i strongly recomend you balance it out with brown, white or combine black and white with colours such as dark emerald green, maroon, peach, plum (if your game), dark or pastel blue. (pinks, purples and generally bright colours are simply to bold, subtracting from the age of your outfit.) Another idea is that you could make indie look more steampunk. ( both indie and steampunk use very old styled colour paletes.)You could use a knee-length/long golden brown skirt with a white blouse, matched up with brooches with old-english clocks/watches and pearls like the one i found google. (above)

As you can see these clothing pieces above are both very indie and could be turned quite goth to as well. The outfits above are also very versatile pieces that you can dress up or down,and before i forget, i think white lace doillys could look very nice (okay the truth is, that the possibilities are endless!) Perhaps matched with a nice simple belt would be quite touching.
If your looking to buy anything similar i recomend you visit a website called www.forever21.com it is for the most part indie i must admit, but if your willing to filter through all the things you probably wont wear, i think youll find some very good pieces! they are also quite affordable to, if you look in their sale section  you can buy dresses for $11.00! (US dollar) I found the skirt to the right on this site, in the contemporary section. (click brands, select contemporary, then on the left side it should categorize to skirts, dresses etc;)

Shoe wise, i think some popart heels are quite apropriate, infact theres a really cool pair in TUK shoes online with a recycled newspaper design (you probably already spotted the shoe on the left) you can visit them online @ (insertadress) if pop art shoes really dont phase you at all, TUK also has some very nice varitey of mary-janes and boots! you could also try lace up military boots (of the not bulky kind) and depending on what colour theme you have going, tan/skin coloured shoes will also match very well!
As for Acessories, i think this really makes the two cultures come together. Personally i think pearls, lace and ribbon work very well, so look for things such as your bangle sets, dark floral headpieces (even better with a little neting), old fashioned earings etc; (you can refer to the first picture i posted if your bothered) below ive posted a range of jewelry that is all avaliable from the online shop i previously recomended, forever 21. A little "boho" (bohemian style) wouldent go astray either. although i wouldent stress about it if you really dont know anything about it!!
As for hair/makeup, its probably preferable to keep it very simple, theres no "indie" hairstyle although many indie artists and many indie kids tend to have loose wispy hair (and dreadlocks), it goes along with the whole indie thing very well. If you dont like leaving your hair looking like its "untamed", loose ringlets look nice, especially in red and light brown/dark blonde hair, or perhaps you could try something more done up. Often tighty pulled back hair works, even if you choose to leave your fringe out! this is really the time to twist your hair into a tight neat bun, or a low pony tail. Its probaly best to keep your make-up simple, perhaps just mascara, eyeliner (no wings sorry!) and foundation. If you can control yourself, i dont see why you cant try shading your eyelids a little darker!
Well, its probably time to conclude this post, its certainly become much longer than i expected it to be!Overall, i think anyone who takes time to think this culture clash through properly can very sucessfully dress in a combination of both goth and indie, there are so many possibilities which are absolutely endless! Generally i tihnk the result its quite elegant, classy, mature, aged and very "fashion friendly." Depending on the kind of attire you usually wear, you may find you dont get as many haters! but of course, if you are imersed in any alternative culture you probably find your haters quite entertaining!

Monday 14 November 2011


luckily, my friend is going to tell you about indie stuff, so here goes:

"Independent music is not just a genre, for many people it is a lifestyle. You may walk into a second-hand clothing store and realise that this is just not your scene, but for a small minority of people it is. They have houses with floral wallpaper, various kinds of stockings, a large variety of herbal tea, and an old record player. Not really. Some people like those things. Personally, I really do, but I'm not sure I would dedicate my entire home to something like that.

There are many bands fitted into the indie genre, but I don't like putting bands into genres and groups. Its like putting your friends into groups of best, close & good. So I just listen to a whole heap of bands, many that people have not even heard of, as my friends call me a hipster.
I really enjoy listening to bands such as Washington, The Wombats, Art Vs. Science, Foster The People, The Jezabels, Boy And Bear, Gypsy & The Cat, Jinja Safari, Josh Pyke, Vampire Weekend, Regina Spektor, Florence & The Machine, Marina & The Diamonds, LIGHTS, Dan Sultan, Cloud Control, Sparkadia, The Waifs, John Butler Trio, Bluejuice, Philadelphia Grand Jury, Missy Higgins, etc;"

well, you got that part from her! unfortunately she didn't have time to get into the visual aspect of it but i think i can give you an acceptable description from my (alternative) point of view:

Indie culture is often quit distinct for its combination of hippie and "old school dress code" fashions. Rather than the tight jeans and vibrant colours, it is quite common to see an "indie kid" (particularly girls) in loose clothes with vintage floral patterns, old knit cardigans, naturally coloured jeans, anti-short skirts, sandals or boots (no skate shoes.... EVER!!!!! converses are quite acceptable though)
Over all, they are quite happy folk, and while I would never consider immersing myself in the culture, I certainly wouldn't dis anyone who does, like anything (culture/music/fashion) it requires a certain amount of creativity to be a "good" indie, especially without becoming cliche!
Another thing that comes to my attention (and quite random to) is the indie bop, as their music is often quite folk orientated (well, right now most independent music is) its become a growing trend to awkwardly bop (almost like a squat motion where your feet are together) in tune with the music!

Overall i hope this gives you a good insight to indie culture/music/fashion, perhaps (if i can convince her) she submit another article regarding her fabulous world of Indie!

(Posted by .itsdannibitch @ weheartit.com respectively)

Saturday 12 November 2011

Black Veil Brides EP trailer #2

well, they uploaded anothe vid, and i would have mentioned this before, but im very bad at checking my emails!! anyway, it doesnt tell us much more but i certainly has me worked up... all i know is that it mostly consists of music that didnt quite make it onto their most recent album.

Wednesday 9 November 2011


well, lately Ive been busy so i apologize for the lack of quality, however i will try and get something interesting happening here!!! Right now for ideas I'm thinking about:
-confusions amongst religion (although i really don't want to offed anyone or have a biased opinion of course!)
-more nursery rhymes/fairy tales
-shopping and where to find your wardrobe (i have many online stores i would love to share)
if you would like me to write about anything in particular feel free to post below! In the meantime, I'm going to post some nice pictures Ive stumbled upon lately for inspiration (all found via google, which may come from other networks respectively)

I kind of really love this as you vary rarely see leather and lace used together, let alone actually looking good!

Monday 7 November 2011

The Silver Shrine

The silver Shrine is another psychobily/rockabilly/gothabilly band, that is probably more publicised that the hellfreaks although i think i like the hellfreaks a tad more. nether the less, the silver shrine are pretty good!

Saturday 5 November 2011

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

not that i have long, but ill try and get through this nursery rhyme.
"Mary, Mary quite contrary,
how do your gardens grow?
with silver bells and cockle shells
and pretty maids, all in a row."
Mary is believed to refer to bloody Mary, or queen the Mary the first of England. She was known for her brutal punishments, and the many tortures she conducted. The "gardens" she was growing was more a metaphorical reference to all the people she was killing, and how the graveyards were filling up quickly. Amongst the common folk of England during this time, a Silver bell was a slang term for an instrument of torture, which applied great pressure to the thumbs and/or fingers, and completely crushing them. The cockle shell was another used term for another instrument which was believed to inflict genital torture. A Maid, or a maiden was the name that people used to speak of the guillotine, which was the official instrument used for the be-heading of people.

Friday 4 November 2011

Seasonal change

well, now the joy of Halloween is over we are moving into Christmas, it can be a good thing but I'm very low in religion and i cant stand big groups of people. But since its coming and its not entirely bad, Ive decided to write about a couple phobias Ive heard of in relation to Christmas!

So for the most part, its called Christmas-phobia, and branches into many phobias of certain aspects of the celebration.
First off, there is  "Ho-ho-phobia." the Phobia of Santa's large white heard and the awful little Green things that work for him. It may sound ridiculous, but I'm sure its perfectly logical. I mean, if i had seen a "beardless Santa" when i was little, i may have felt as if my intelligence had been abused. Or it may have been really intimidating. I guess that most cases of this phobia would have been from bad childhood experiences.

Another one Ive heard about is North polar disorder, this is basically the constant fear that there is something on your roof. it doesn't just apply to reindeer's perching up above your head. there could be many things that choose to take residence up there!

So there are quite some peculiar things out there... i only had time to mention a few!

Thursday 3 November 2011


Another random yet funny site Ive stumbled across, this is the anti of the world wide wikipedia, rather than people trying to give you accurate information, all information is written to be inaccurate. Your probably wondering why on earth anyone would want to receive inaccurate information but believe me! it mocks allot or well known stories, and gives you stupid facts about head lice (ha ha, i found that when looking for something in relation to headbands) Anyway, the site also features "unscripts" usually a parody of a movie or novel such as "harry potter and the inevitable musical." Its quite entertaining weather or not you like harry Potter.


Next band to share with you! Aesthesys are a neoclassical/ambient/post-rock project (band) from Germany. recently Ive been listening to allot of their music but sadly they are very underground and very little is known about them. But i do know that their name comes from the term Aesthe, which has some sort of meaning of all knowledge in simplified language. Here is their song "i am free, that is why i am lost" posted by a fan back in 2010 (they haven't written any music of late so i dont feel the need to post their newest single etc;) Anyway, i hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Band Exposure: Children 18:3

i cant believe that i havent already show you this band! they are a punk/ska/garage rock band. their debut Ep was released in 2004 (im quite sure) and have released a total of 2 EP's and one full length album as far as im aware! anyway, you can have a peek below! (this song is called "the jack O lantern of dreams)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Black Veil Brides EP, for christmas 2011

Greetings! im just writing to let you all know that black veil brides have just announced an ep, that should be released for christmas this year! they didnt say much other than that but id say now is a good time to tune in!
You can view it below in the video

Mind.In.A.Box, Band exposure

I only just realized, that it has been to long since my last band exposure! The first band that cane to mind when coming to this realization was Mind.In.A.Box. Sadly, people know very little about this band, and so there is very little i can tell you, however i know enough to give you some general knowledge.

The band originates from Vienna, Austria. MIAB is an industrial/synthpop/ebm/electro band, the sound of their first few alums is mostly a combination of story telling conversations, along with introductory monologues all based on science, fantasy etc. Earlier this year, they just finished their fifth CD. you can view their homepage (which has a pretty cool layout) here at http://www.mindinabox.com/ the Video below is a fan-made, but Ive gotta say, some of the graphics are pretty cool!